Administrator Report

As an administrator, we opt you in to a quarterly "administrator report" which is an email that reports the activity and invitation status of the members on your team. This email can alternatively be sent monthly or you can opt-out entirely. See the Subscribe to Emails article for how to opt-in or opt-out.

This administrator report email contains the following sections:

  • Inactive team members - team members who have not had any activity in Causey for at least 6 months. You may consider removing them from your organization or following up with them to inquire about their use of Causey.
  • Recently expired invitations - team members who have been invited to software but did not accept the invitation to join the organization in Causey. A new invitation will need to be issued to an administrator so they can join.
  • Expiring invitations - team members who have an active invitation to join the plan but have not yet accepted. Causey will issue reminder messages about the invitation to these team members. We also recommend the administrator reach out to those members to prompt them to accept the invitation before it expires.

A sample email is pictured below:

You can visit your Organization Settings page at any time to review your team members' status and access level. You can also read more about how to add or remove team members

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