Timeline View

Timeline View allows you to quickly see all of your focus areas, strategies, goals, and action items within a specific time frame. (Please note this feature is not available to Basic subscribers.)

For a goal or action item to appear on Timeline View, it must have a due date assigned to it.  

To access this view, select the Timeline View tab at the top of your plan in the Strategy application.

To navigate along the timeline, scroll horizontally with your mouse/trackpad while your cursor is over the calendar, or opt to use the left and right arrow keys on the top of your screen within the Timeline Controls section (highlighted below)

To zoom in and out, press the control key and scroll vertically, or opt to use the magnifying glass + and - buttons. Additionally, you can select from several preset zoom levels such as weeks, months, years, and so on.

You can choose to show only Focus Areas and Goals, or you can include Action Items as well by selecting the "Show Focus Areas, Goals, and Action Items" option.

Goals display with the flag icon. Action items display with a checkmark icon and they will show under the goal with which they are associated.


If your organization is subscribed to the Core Tier or higher, you can also apply filtering to the timeline view. Simply click "Show Filters" and apply whichever criteria you wish to filter by. You can read more about filters here.

Additional Information

If you hover over a goal with your cursor, you will be presented with a hovercard. A hovercard contains an overview of each goal including meeting times, key team members, and notes.

Additionally, you will see a "Show in Plan" button, which will redirect you to the goal in Plan View. Authorized users will also see an “Edit Goal” button on each hovercard, which will redirect you to a goal’s edit form. 

If you select an Action Item in Timeline View, you will be taken to the Edit Action Item page.