Section 1: Our Compass

About the Compass

Like an actual compass, the Compass section of your strategic plan will constantly point you and your team in the right direction.

The Compass will contain items such as:

  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Core Values
  • Key Metrics
  • Strategic Themes
  • Tag Line

At Mission Met we call each of these items the "elements" of your Compass. 

If you're just starting out with your strategic planning, view only the mission and vision statements as essential. As your plan and process evolves you can include other elements. 

Sometimes our customers want to reference cornerstone documents -- like a Diversity, Equity or Inclusion statement or a long-form description of their values -- within their Compass. If that's the case for you, consider creating an element for your document and then provide a link within the body of the element. 

Try to keep your Compass as brief as possible. Long, run-on Compass sections will dilute what's most important. 

A Simple Two-part Plan

One of the biggest problems with most strategic plans is that they’re too complex. Too many sections, too many goals, and too much fluff. With that in mind, we’ve created an easy-to-understand two-section format for your plan:

Section 1: Our Compass
Section 2: Our Actions 

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