
By setting, pursuing, and analyzing progress toward a metric you and your team will develop strategic skills that will help you run a more effective and impactful organization. Causey provides three types of metrics: Key Metrics, Focus Area Metrics, and Goal Metrics.

To add metrics to your plan, navigate to the Metrics application.

Note that you can also access the add a metric page when working on your plan in the Strategy Application. Simply select the "Add new one" link when adding or editing a Focus Area, Goal, or Key Metric.

On the Metrics app, select the Add New Metric button. 

To better understand the functionality of Metrics, we've broken down the various steps and information into four different help articles. Select the option that is most relevant to your needs or review them all in order.

Metric Basics - Learn more about entering a name, unit, and how to display a metric on your strategic plan (key metric, focus area metric, or goal metric).

Metric Team and Content - Learn more about selecting metric champions, setting the reporting frequency of the metric, and adding notes.

Metric Target and Baselines - Learn more about how to use targets and baselines.

Metric Advanced - Learn more about what precision and measurement entry mean.

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