Add Widget to Outreach System's Neoserra

Causey has a goal chart widget that can be embedded within other applications such as Outreach System's Neoserra. Many SBDC customers are publishing their strategic plan goal chart within their Neoserra dashboard.

To use the widget in your dashboard, you can go to the Reports application

Select the Goal Chart widget

And then copy the embed code

Once you copy the code, follow the Outreach Systems guide to creating private notices. You can also reference the screenshot below. You may include multiple widgets on the same Neoserra dashboard -- for instance, your Lead Center and Service Center's goal widget may be used.

Note: Each user can also navigate to their "Account Settings" within Neoserra and can enable the "Place the Private Notices sections before the scorecards?" option if you want the widgets above the scorecards.

Service Center Directors and Staff

Center directors and staff will need to take no action. There is an option to move the Causey widget to the top of their dashboard by enabling the "Place the Private Notices section before the scorecards?"

To do so, each user must login to Neoserra and then click on the settings gear in the upper right corner and then select "Account settings". From there, select "Place the Private Notices section before the scorecards?" and then make sure your settings are saved.

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