Plan Management

Step 1:

In the Strategy application, select "Manage" in the top navigation bar.

Step 2:

Within the list of a plans, find the plan you wish to change and click on "Edit Plan". 

Step 3:

This will open a menu where you can change several details for that specific plan including the following:

  • The Plan's name
  • The Plan's descriptor
    • The descriptor should reflect the purpose of this plan (e.g, performance plan, action plan, etc.) The default setting is STRATEGIC PLAN.
  • The Overall Plan Champion(s)
  • The start and end dates for your plan.

Step 4:

You can create a blank plan from the Plan Settings page by selecting Create Blank Plan. 

Name your new plan and select Create.

Step 5:

To clone a plan, find the plan you wish to clone and select the three dots button, then select Clone Plan.  

Name the plan in the Clone Plan window and then select the Clone button.

Step 6:

Inactive plans can be deleted by selecting the three dots button. Please note that active plans cannot be deleted. They must be changed to inactive status in the Plan Status column before being deleted. Additionally, please note that you are also able to download the plan in a JSON format. This may be useful if you have other tools that parse or rely on json data.

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