Modify Your Account (3 steps)

Step 1:

After logging in, select the drop-down menu in the right corner of the top navigation bar, then select Account.

Step 2:

In the Member Basics section, you can edit email, password, time zone, language, and date and time format. 

In the Member Profile section, you can edit your name, initials, job title, and preferred pronouns. You can also upload a profile picture.

Additional Information:

Your photo will display as an icon for you or your organization. Once you add your photo, it will show in place of your initials.

To add your picture on the Edit Account page, select the Choose File button. Navigate to the saved picture on your computer that you would like to use. Select that photo and save. Please note that you can also delete your profile photo from this page.

The Enrolled Organizations and Email Subscriptions section allows you to view your organizations and your access level for each organization. You can also set your email preferences. 

Step 3:

Once all of the information has been saved, your account will be updated. Note that changes to your access level can only be made by an administrator. 

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