Custom Fields

Custom Fields, a feature available for Solid tier customers of Causey, allow your team to create fields that are totally unique to your organization.

These come in two varieties: Custom Number Fields and Custom Text Fields. By using these you can customize your strategic plan to solicit targeted and specific feedback from your team as they make progress on your plan.

Follow these steps to get started with Custom Fields:

  1. Select Settings from the drop down menu in the top left corner of the software.

Navigate to the Custom Field Management page in the top navigation bar.

  1. Choose a custom field type to add (number or text)

  1. Fill out the form to create your custom field. Below is some guidance for each textbox.

Label: The "name" of your custom field, this will be how the field shows up on your plan.

Help Text: This text will appear in places where your team members provide values for the field. Use it to provide helpful guidance on how they should complete it.

For Number Fields:

Unit Type: Give a unit that the value corresponds to.

Unit Placement: Choose whether the unit should appear before or after the value ($50 or 50%).

Minimum Value (optional): Set a minimum value for your number field.

Maximum Value (optional): Set a maximum value for your number field.

For Text Fields:

Maximum Length (optional): Set a maximum number of characters for your text field.

  1. Once you have created and saved your custom field, you will want to choose where the field is present in your plan. You can do this be using the Field Availability selector.

This will give a number of options such as "Goal" or "Focus Area". Pick any and all where you want that field to appear. Once you have selected your desired locations for that field, you will find your custom field available on those items.

Using Aggregators

For Custom Number Fields, an additional feature is available: Aggregators. By setting these, we allow you to combine a range of custom number fields and represent that combined value in different places on the plan.

For example, say you had a custom field called "One Time Costs" which is a $ value available on every action item in your plan. Once set, you can edit any action item and see this custom field as an element.

Once a cost is saved, it will display with the Action Item.

If you would like to see the total combined value of all the One Time Costs on every action item for a given Goal, this can be achieved by setting "Goal" as an aggregator on the One Time Costs custom field.

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