Custom Sequencing

The Custom Sequencing setting allows an organization to set up numbering rules for "listed" items in Causey. For example, Goals by default are listed via upper alphabetical characters Goal A, Goal B, Goal C, Goal D. Adjusting this setting will allow you to change those characters to something like Goal I, Goal II, Goal III, Goal IV, etc.

1. To change the setting, first visit the Settings sub-application:

2. In the top nav bar, find and navigate to "Optional Settings"

3. Select the "Sequencing Tab" from this menu:

To customize your organization, you will need to provide a specially constructed formatting line with a series of rules and preferences that will be used to display your items. Note: These "formatting lines" use the liquid templating language.


Below is a simple example and some definitions.

Custom display sequence for goal:

{{goal_label}} {{goal_number | as_upper_alpha}}

The following variables are used provide:

  • goal_label Goal (or the value you have provided via "Goals" in custom labeling)
  • goal_number This number represents the position that each goal and the order that it will be presented.
  • as_upper_alpha Transforms a given number into upper alphabetical instead of basic numerals. Must be "piped" ( | ) from the "_number" value you wish to transform. (e.g, 1 -> A, 2 -> B, 3 -> C, and so on)

The result of the example above is that anywhere that goals are listed, they will be presented like Goal A, Goal B, Goal C, etc.

If you wanted to remove the goal label, to just get the letters A-C, you can do so like this:

{{goal_number | as_upper_alpha}}

Or you can change it to lowercase by replacing as_upper_alpha with as_lower_alpha (e.g. a, b, c...)

{{goal_number | as_lower_alpha}}

Full and Minimal Labels

Sequence labels are represented in two different ways, depending on where you are looking within the software:

Full: A longer label, used when context about related items is not readily apparent. (Goal 1A - Where "1" corresponds to the position of the focus area that contains that goal)

Minimal: A shorter label, used when context about related items is apparent. (Goal A)

You can control what parts of the label are displayed in the Full version by using the {%if full%} tag. Consider the following example that prepends a listed Goal with its parent Focus Area's sequence number as a roman numeral:

Custom display sequence for goal:

{{goal_label}} {%if full%}{{focus_area_number | as_roman}}{%endif%}{{goal_number | as_upper_alpha}}

To use {%if full%}, simply provide whatever content you wish to be displayed in that case, followed by the {% endif %} tag.

The result of our example above is that in places where we show the minimal version (such as the plan view), listed Goals will appear like Goal A, Goal B, Goal C...

But in places where we use the full version (like individual goal slides in the presentation view), Goals will appear like Goal IA, Goal IB, Goal IC...Goal IIA, Goal IIB...

Any content inside the formatting line that isn't wrapped in between {%if full%} and {%endif%} will be displayed in all instances where the item's sequence is displayed (minimal or full).

Include Separator

You can provide the {%if  include_separator%}:{%endif%} tags to your formatting line as well. This will place a colon (:) character wherever {{include_separator}} is located in your line. If you use this option, you can append the listed item to have a colon before the proper name is provided (in places where the proper name is displayed).

As an example, display the sequence for a goal:

{{goal_label}} {{goal_number | as_upper_alpha}}{%if include_separator%}:{%endif%}

Output: Goal A: Conduct a Culture Survey

Additional Resources

Pre-written formatting lines:

Custom display sequence for goal

{%if full%}{{focus_area_label}} {{focus_area_number | as_roman}} - {%endif%}{{goal_label}} {{goal_number | as_upper_alpha}}

Full output: Focus Area I - Goal A

Minimal output: Goal A


Custom display sequence for strategy

{{strategy_label}} {%if full%} of {{focus_area_label}} {{focus_area_number | as_roman}}{%endif%}{{strategy_number}}

Full output: Strategy 1 of Focus Area IV

Minimal output: Strategy 1


Custom display sequence for action item

{{action_item_label}} {%if full%}{%if focus_area_number%}{{focus_area_number | as_roman}}.{%endif%}{%if strategy_number%}{{strategy_number | as_upper_alpha}}.{%endif%}{%if goal_number%}{{goal_number}}.{%endif%}{%endif%}{{action_item_number | as_lower_alpha}}

Full output:Action Item I.A.1.a (Focus Area I, Strategy A, Goal 1, Action Item a)

Minimal output: Action Item a 


To Achieve the following pattern:

1. Focus Area

1.1 Strategy

1.1.1 Goal Action Item

{{focus_area_number }}. {{focus_area_label}}{%if include_separator%}:{%endif%}

{{focus_area_number}}.{{strategy_number}} {{strategy_label}}{%if include_separator%}:{%endif%}

{{focus_area_number}}.{%if strategy_number%}{{strategy_number}}.{%endif%}{{goal_number}} {{goal_label}}{%if include_separator%}:{%endif%}

{%if focus_area_number%}{{focus_area_number}}.{%endif%}{%if strategy_number%}{{strategy_number}}.{%endif%}{%if goal_number%}{{goal_number}}.{%endif%}{{action_item_number}} {{action_item_label}}{%if include_separator%}:{%endif%}


focus_area_label: Focus Area (or whatever value you have provided via custom labeling)

strategy_label: Strategy (or whatever value you have provided via custom labeling)

goal_label: Goal (or whatever value you have provided via custom labeling

action_item_label: Action Item (or whatever value you have provided via custom labeling)

focus_area_number: This number represents the position of each given focus area and the order that it will be presented. (1 will be the first, 2 will be second, and so on)

strategy_number: This number represents the position that each strategy and the order that it will be presented.

goal_number: This number represents the position that each goal and the order that it will be presented.

action_item_number: This number represents the position that each action item and the order that it will be presented.

as_roman: Transforms a given number into roman numerals instead of basic numerals. (1, 2, 3, 4 --> I, II, III, IV)

as_upper_alpha: Transforms a given number into upper alphabetical instead of basic numerals. (1, 2, 3, 4 --> A, B, C, D)

as_lower_alpha: Transforms a given number into lower alphabetical instead of basic numerals. (1, 2, 3, 4 --> a, b, c, d)

if full: Anything between the "if full" operator and the "endif" operator will only display in places where the context of the item is not clear (for a Goal, that means the Focus Area that it belongs to is not displayed anywhere, or for an Action Item, the goal that it belongs to, etc.)

include_separator: Inserts the colon (":") character wherever this value is provided, intended to work in conjunction with an {%if include_separator%}...{%endif%} wrapper to only provide the separator where the proper name of the item is following the listed item (such as in the plan view)

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