Populate Your Goals

Step 1:

In the Strategy application, select the Add Goal button in a Focus Area of Section 2.

Step 2:

In the Goal Basics section, select the corresponding Focus Area and enter a goal topic. Then enter the goal and add a start and due date.

In the Goal Team section, add the Goal Champions (up to two) and other key team members.

You can also add metrics to a corresponding goal so it displays on the plan. If you don't have a metric but would like to add one, simple select the "Create one now" link and you will be taken to the Add a Metric form.

Finally, select or create a goal tag to help you organize information on your plan.

Select Save for the information to be viewed in the Strategy app.

Additional Assistance:

Goals can be edited by selecting the Edit Goal button in the corresponding Focus Area.

Re-order Goals using the up-down arrow.

Goals can also be deleted or cloned from a Focus Area.

Notes, attachments, and links can be added to a goal by selecting the three dots button.

Section 2: Actions can be filtered by person, tags, goal progress update status and percentage, time since last progress update, and goal timeframe.

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